证券代码:002665 证券简称:首航高科 公告编号:2021-017
2021 年 3 月 23 日,首航高科能源技术股份有限公司(以下简称“公司”或
“首航高科”)与特变电工股份有限公司(以下简称“特变电工”)签订了《联合开发与合作协议》。特变电工计划在博茨瓦纳(Botswana)开发太阳能项目,并密切跟踪博茨瓦纳的 2*100MW 太阳能热发电厂(CSP)项目(以下简称“光热项目”),该项目预计今年(2021 年)业主方将启动国际招标。公司与特变电工双方同意建立合作伙伴关系,以共同准备和完成该光热发电项目的投标及未来市场开发。根据《公司章程》规定,该合同经公司总经理办公会审议批准后签订。
3、住 所:新疆昌吉州昌吉市北京南路 189 号;
鉴于,特变电工计划在博茨瓦纳(Botswana)开发太阳能项目,并密切跟踪博茨瓦纳的 2*100MW 太阳能热发电厂(CSP)项目(以下简称“光热项目”),该项目预计今年(2021 年)业主方将启动国际招标。公司与特变电工双方同意建立合作伙伴关系,以共同准备和完成该光热项目的投标及市场开发。双方特此达成如下协议:
1.Principal of the Partnership
1.1 特变电工作为项目牵头方,负责收集投标信息,跟踪和把控光热项目的投标进度,主导投标文件的编写以及与促进与光热项目有关的其他必要工作。
1.1 TBEA, as the leading party, is responsible for collecting the
bidding information, tracking and understanding the bidding progress of
the CSP Project, leading the preparation of bidding documents, and other
necessary work relating to promoting the CSP Project.
1.2 首航高科负责为光热项目提供技术咨询和服务,并全力支持提供该光热项目投标和推动过程中所需的相关技术数据。
1.2 Shouhang High-Tech is responsible for providing advice and
consultation on the understanding of the technical information of the CSP
Project, and give full support for obtaining relevant technical data which
is necessary for the bidding and promoting of the CSP Project.
1.3 根据本协议,双方之间的合作伙伴关系是排他性的,且仅与光热项目的准备和投标有关,不得扩展到任何其他活动。
1.3 The Partnership between the Parties under this Agreement is
exclusive, and shall be formed solely relating to the preparation and
bidding for the CSP Project and shall not be extended to any other
1.4 除非双方另有书面约定,否则本协议中的任何内容均不得解释为在双方之间建立合资或合伙责任关系。
1.4Unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Parties, nothing
in this Agreement shall be construed as establishing joint venture or
partnership liability relationship between the Parties.
1.5 各方应自行承担其责任范围内的费用和支出。
1.5 Each Party shall bear the costs and expenses within its own
1.6 在本协议的有效期内,如果任何一方要退出合作伙伴关系,则应至少在光热项目的投标截止日期前 60 天以书面形式通知另一方。退出合作伙伴关系的一方不得自行竞标 CSP 项目,也不得与任何第三方以任何形式或身份参与该光热项目的竞标。
1.6 During the validity period of this Agreement, if any Party wants
to withdraw from the Partnership, it shall notify the other Party in
writing at least 60 days before the bid closing date of the CSP Project.
The Party withdrawn from the Partnership shall neither bid for the CSP
Project by itself nor cooperate with any third party in any form or
capacity to participate in the bidding of the CSP Project.
2.Responsibilities of Each Party
2.1 特变电工,作为该光热项目的牵头开发方,应:
2.1 TBEA, acting as the lead developer of the CSP Project, shall:
A)与博茨瓦纳矿产资源,绿色技术和能源安全部、博茨瓦纳电力公司(以下简称“ BPC”)及其他相关部门保持联系,以获取光热项目相关的项目信息更新和要求。
A)Keep in touch with the Ministry of Mineral Resources, Green
Technology and Energy Security, Botswana Power Corporation (hereinafter
referred to as "BPC") and other related departments in Botswana for any
CSP Project updates and instructions.
B)Take all necessary steps to ensure that the CSP Project proposal
is accepted by BPC in Botswana for the purpose of successfully winning
the CSP Project with bankable proposals.
C)In a timely manner to share the relevant documents and information
with Shouhang High-Tech.
D)Conduct site visits, together with Shouhang High-Tech, when needed.
E)Be responsible for preparing and submitting the whole set of bidding
document, any clarification and other work necessary for the CSP Project.
F)Secure fund required for the development and implementation of the
CSP Project at the financing term and conditions acceptable to both the
Botswana and potential financing institutes and subject to approval from
the Governments of Botswana and China.
2.2 首航高科,作为项目技术提供方,应:
2.2 Shouhang High-Tech, acting as a technology provider, shall:
A)Provide technical support in accordance with the final tender
requirements for technology provider. If the Botswana side has investment
requirements for the technology provider, Shouhang High-Tech shall comply
with them.
B)Assist TBEA for