Stock Code: 002607 StockAbbr.: OFFCN EDU No.: 2022-054
Semi-Annual Performance Estimate 2022
The Company and all the directors confirm that the information disclosed is true,
accurate, complete and with no false recording, misleading statement or material
I. Performance estimate
1. Estimate period: January 1, 2022 - June 30, 2022
2. Estimated performance: Losses
Item Current reporting period Same period of last year
Net profit attributable to Losses: RMB 720.00 million - RMB Losses: RMB 97.1625
the shareholders of the 920.00 million million
listed Company
Net profit after deducting Losses: RMB 735.00 million - RMB Losses: RMB 169.9050
non-recurring profits and 935.00 million million
Basic earnings per share Losses: RMB 0.12 / share - RMB 0.15 / Losses: RMB 0.02 / share
(RMB/share) share
II. Pre-audit of the estimated performance
The estimated performance of this period has not been audited nor reviewed by
certified accountants.
III. Statement for performance variation
1. The delay of exams and the circumstances of pandemic prevention and control have
exerted adverse impact on the Company’s performance. During the first half year of 2022,
with the repeated waves of Covid-19 virus across the country and the tight control measures
taken for pandemic prevention, the civil servant provincial joint examination, which was
scheduled for March 26 originally, was postponed to July 9. In addition, the interview part
of civil servant national exams, teachers recruitment exams and public institution exams
were also delayed. Meanwhile, many cities adopted more strict measures to prevent and
control the pandemic. Thus, hundreds of branches of the Company scattered across the
country had to be closed temporarily, which impacted the Company’s enrollment and the
carry-out of teaching. Therefore, both the Company’s business collection and the
Company’s revenue recognition have been impacted adversely by the delay of exams and
the circumstances of pandemic prevention and control.
2. The Company has adjusted its product structure, reduced expenses, and thus
narrowed down the quarterly operating losses. Facing with the difficulties, the Company
has timely adjusted its product structure, constantly reduced the sale of products with high
refund rates, adjusted and optimized institutional settings, personnel allocation and
personnel assessment methods.All of these measures were meant to minimize the costs and
expenses. Despite the income decreased due to the unfavourable external environment, the
efforts in the decrease of costs and expenses have brought positive outcomes: the loss in the
second quarter was narrowed down compared to the first quarter, and the operating cash
flow continued to improve.
3. The Company will focus on operation performance and fulfill the annual business
improvement plan. In the next half of the year, the Company will continue to improve the
efficiency of operation and management through measures such as cost reduction and
efficiency enhancement, structural product adjustment, and acceleration of new business
expansion. Besides, the Company will be clearly aware of and resilient to potential market
risks, so as to timely adjust its business strategies.At the same time, the training service for
the Company’s various business sectors that are delayed until the third quarter will be
optimized and carefully conducted, aiming to seize the opportunities, prompt the
improvement of the business operation, and finally implement the 2022 annual business
improvement plan.
IV. Other remarks
The estimated result above is only preliminary calculation performed by the financial
department of the Company. For the specific financial information, please refer to the Semi-
annual Report2022tobeduly disclosedbytheCompany. Investors are reminded toexercise
caution when making investment decisions.
Hereby announced.
The Board of Directors of Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd.
July 14, 2022