Stock Code: 000570, 200570 Stock Name: Changchai, Changchai-B Announcement No. 2021-067
Changchai Company, Limited (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) and all the members of
the Company’s Board of Directors hereby guarantee that the contents of this Report are true,
accurate and complete and free of any misrepresentations, misleading statements or material
Important Notes:
1. The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee as well as the directors, supervisors and senior
management of the Company hereby guarantee that the contents of this Report are true, accurate and complete and
free of any misrepresentations, misleading statements or material omissions, and collectively and individually
accept legal responsibility for such contents.
2. The Company’s legal representative, General Manager, and head of the financial department (equivalent to
financial manager) hereby guarantee that the financial statements carried in this Report are true, accurate and
3. Indicate whether the financial statements in this Report have been audited by an independent auditor.
□Yes √ No
4. Matters with modified audit opinions given by the auditor
□Applicable √ Not applicable
I Key Financial Information
(I) Key Accounting Data and Financial Indicators
Indicate by tick mark whether there is any retrospectively restated datum in the table below.
□ Yes √ No
Q3 2021 YoY change (%) Q1-Q3 2021 YoY change
Operating revenue 484,183,670.58 -17.15% 1,981,354,126.38 13.10%
Net profit attributable to
the listed company’s -23,478,352.18 —— 105,710,713.42 171.37%
shareholders (RMB)
Net profit attributable to
the listed company’s -9,073,885.20 —— 18,086,529.38 -37.25%
shareholders before
exceptional items (RMB)
Net cash generated
from/used in operating —— —— -316,185,740.11 ——
activities (RMB)
Basic earnings per share -0.0333 —— 0.1734 149.86%
Diluted earnings per -0.0333 —— 0.1734 149.86%
share (RMB/share)
Weighted average return -0.75% -1.29% 4.54% 2.68%
on equity (%)
30 September 2021 31 December 2020 Change (%)
Total assets (RMB) 4,862,324,921.69 3,952,954,464.45 23.00%
Equity attributable to the
listed company’s 3,122,661,074.22 2,273,349,347.02 37.36%
shareholders (RMB)
Total share capital up to the former trading date before the disclosure:
Total share capital up to the former trading date 705,692,507
before the disclosure (share)
Fully diluted EPS calculated by the newest share capital:
Dividend on preferred shares paid (RMB) 0.00
Interest on perpetual bonds paid (RMB) 0.00
Fully diluted EPS calculated by the newest share 0.1498
capital (RMB/share)
(II) Exceptional Gains and Losses
√Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: RMB
Item Q3 2021 Q1-Q3 2021 Note
Gain or loss on disposal of
non-current assets (inclusive of 757,900.36 6,459.16
impairment allowance write-offs)
Government grants through profit or
loss (exclusive of government grants
continuously given in the Company’s 360,000.00 766,454.70
ordinary course of business at fixed
quotas or amounts as per the
government’s policies and standards)
Gain or loss on fair-value changes on For Q1-Q3 2021, the fair
held-for-trading financial assets and value of stocks in Jiangsu
liabilities & income from disposal of -20,805,528.66 102,081,339.45 Liance Electromechanical
held-for-trading financial assets and Technology Co., Ltd. and
liabilities and available-for-sale Kailong High Technology Co.,
financial assets (exclusive of the Ltd. held by the Company’s
effective portion of hedges that arise wholly-owned subsidiary
in the Company’s ordinary course of Changzhou Horizon
business) Investment Co., Ltd. and
equity in Jiangsu Horizon