证券代码:300308 证券简称:中际旭创 公告编号:2023-007
本公司及董事会全体成员保证信息披露内容的真实、准确和完整, 没有虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏。
为满足海外业务拓展及生产运营的资金需求,公司控股孙公司 InnoLight
Technology Pte. Limited(以下简称“新加坡旭创”或“借款人”)拟向 CDH Global Paper
Limited(以下简称“CDH”或“出借人一”)及 Charming Time Holdings Limited(以下简称“Charming Time”或“出借人二”,双方合称“出借人”)合计借款 103,000,000
美元,其中 CDH 提供金额为 100,000,000 美元的借款,Charming Time 提供金额为
3,000,000 美元的借款。
本次交易不涉及关联交易,不构成《上市公司重大资产重组管理办法》所规定的重大资产重组情况。根据《深圳证券交易所创业板股票上市规则》《上市公司自律监管指引第 7 号——交易与关联交易》和《公司章程》等相关规定,本次交易在公司董事会审议通过后尚需提交公司股东大会批准。
1、公司名称:CDH Global Paper Limited
3、成立日期:2008 年 1 月 29 日
4、注册资本或股本:CDH is authorised to issue a maximum of 50,000 shares of one
class with a parvalue of US$1.00 each.
5、住所:Kingston Chambers, PO Box 173,Road Town,Tortola, British Virgin Islands
7、CDH 主要股东是 CDH Fund VI, L.P(. CDH Investment Advisory Private Limited
管理的美元基金),CDH 与公司(包括合并报表范围内的子公司)、控股股东、实际控制人、董事、监事及高级管理人员不存在关联关系,也不存在其他可能造成或已经造成公司对其利益倾斜的其他关系。
(二)Charming Time
1、公司名称:Charming Time Holdings Limited
3、成立日期:2022 年 11 月 11 日
4、注册资本或股本:5 万美元
5、住所:Vistra Corporate Services Centre, Wickhams Cay II, Road Town, Tortola,
VG1110, British Virgin Islands
7、Charming Time 与公司(包括合并报表范围内的子公司)、控股股东、实际控
(i) CDH Global Paper Limited, an entity incorporated under the laws of British
Virgin Islands (“CDH”, or the “Lead Lender”);
CDH Global Paper Limited,一家根据英属维尔京群岛法律组建的实体(“CDH”,
(ii) Charming Time Holdings Limited, a company incorporated under the laws of the
British Virgin Islands (“Charming Time”, together with CDH, individually as the “Lender”,
and collectively, the “Lenders”);
Charming Time Holdings Limited,一家根据英属维尔京群岛法律组建的公司
(“Charming Time”,与 CDH 单称或合称“出借人”);
(iii)InnoLight Technology Pte. Limited, a company incorporated under the laws of
Singapore (the “Borrower” or the “Company”);
InnoLight Technology Pte. Limited,一家根据新加坡法律组建的公司(“借款人”
(iv) Suzhou InnoLight Technology Co., Ltd. (苏州旭创科技有限公司), a limited
liability company incorporated under the laws of the PRC (the “ Controlling
Shareholder”); and
(v) ZHONGJI INNOLIGHT CO., LTD. (中际旭创股份有限公司), an A-share listed
company incorporated under the laws of the PRC (the “Listed Company”, together with
the Company and the Controlling Shareholder, individually as the “Company Party”,and
collectively, the “Company Parties”).
中际旭创股份有限公司,一家根据中国法律组建的 A 股上市公司(“上市公司”,
SECTION 2 LOAN 第 2 条 借款
2.1 Loan. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including without
limitation, the conditions precedent as listed in Section 3, the Lenders agree to provide the
Loan to the Borrower, among which:
借款:根据本协议的条款和条件,包括但不限于第 3 条所列的先决条件,出借
(a) CDH agrees to provide the Loan in amount of US$100,000,000; and
CDH 同意提供金额为 100,000,000 美元的借款;以及
(b) Charming Time agrees to provide the Loan in amount of US$3,000,000.
Charming Time 同意提供金额为 3,000,000 美元的借款。
2.2 Term of the Loan. The term of the Loan shall be from the Closing Date to a date
falling on three hundred and sixty (360) days from the Closing Date (the “Maturity Date”).
2.3 Closing. (i) The Lenders shall respectively wire the proceeds of the Loan in
immediately available funds to the bank account designated by the Company within ten
(10) Business Days upon the satisfaction or waiver of the conditions precedent set forth in
Section 3 (other than those conditions to be satisfied at the Closing), or at such other time
as the Borrower and the Lenders may mutually agree upon (the “Closing Date”). (ii) At
the Closing Date, the Company Parties shall deliver to each Lender such documents
evidencing that all the conditions set forth in Section 3.1 have been fulfilled as of the
Closing Date.
交割:(i) 出借人应在第 3 条所述的先决条件得到满足或放弃(交割时满足的
条件除外)后十(10)个工作日内或在借款人和出借人共同同意的其他时间(“交割日”),分别将借款资金以即时可用的资金汇至公司指定的银行账户。(ii) 在交割日,公司方应向每一出借人交付证明第 3.1 条列明的所有条件均已于交割日获得满足的文件。
2.4 Interest. Except as otherwise specified in this Agreement, the Loan shall bear a
simple annual interest rate of four percent (4%) accruing from the Closing Date to the
Maturity Date (the “Interest”).
2.5 Collaterals. (i) The Borrower shall enter into a charge over receivables by way of
a deed, in favour of the Lenders in the form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the
Lenders (the “Charge over Receivables”), and (ii) InnoLight Taiwan shall enter into