Stock Code: 000726, 200726 Stock Name: LTTC, LTTC-B Announcement No. 2024-022
Bond Code: 127016 Bond Name: LTTC Convertible Bonds
Part I Important Notes
This Summary is based on the full Annual Report of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. (together with its consolidated subs idiar ies, the
“Company”, except w here the context otherwise requires). In order for a full understanding of the Company’s operating results ,
financial pos it ion and future development plans , investors should carefully read the aforesaid full text, which has been disclosed
together with this Summary on the media designated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (the “CSRC”).
All the Company’s directors have attended the Board meeting for the review of this Report and its summary.
Independent auditor’s modified opinion:
□ Applicable Not applicable
Board-approved final cash and/or stock dividend plan for ordinary shareholders for the Reporting Period:
Applicable □Not applicable
Bonus issue from capital reserves:
□ Yes No
The Board has approved a final dividend plan as follows: based on the share capitalof 817,431,206 shares (exclusive of repurchased
and retired B-shares), a cash dividend of RMB1.30 (tax inc lus ive) per 10 shares is to be distr ibute d to the shareholders, with no
bonus issue from either profit or capital reserves.
Board-approved final cash and/or stock dividend plan for preferred shareholders for the Reporting Period:
□ Applicable Not applicable
This Report and its summary have been prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any discrepancies or
misunderstandings between the two versions, the Chinese versions shall prevail.
Part II Key Corporate Information
Stock name LTTC, LTTC-B Stock code 000726, 200726
Stock exchange for stock listing Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Previous stock name (if any) N/A
Contact information Board Secretary Securities Representative
Name Zhang Keming Zheng Weiyin and Li Kun
Address 81 Songling EastRoad, Zichuan District, 81 Songling EastRoad, Zichuan District, Zibo
Zibo City, Shandong Province, P.R.China City, Shandong Province, P.R.China
Fax 0533-5418805 0533-5418805
Tel. 0533-5277008 0533-5285166
Email address zhangkeming@,
2.Principal ActivitiesorProductsinthe ReportingPeriod
Lu Thai has always adhered to its mission of “creating wealth, contributing to the society, clothing the world and weaving our way
to every corner of the globe”, as wellas to its values of “people fore most polic y, rigorous scientific attitude, client oriented principle
and integrity for win-w in outcome”. It has gradually become a textile and garment enterprise group with comprehensive and vertical
production capacities integrating spinning, bleaching and dyeing, weaving, afterfinish and clothing manufacture. Lu T ha i produces
and sells middle and high-grade yarn-dyed fabric, dye ing fabric, functional fabric and knitted fabric for shirts, as well as garment. It
claimed its fame for its comprehens ive management, R&D ability, advanced technology, stable quality and internat iona l operations.
Moreover, it also attaches great importance to improving the added value of its products, explore the emerging market and renew its
service philosophy. Lu Thai has become the world’s largest high-grade yarn dyed fabric producer and a world-class premium shirt
provider. It had pave d its deve lopment pattern featured in going green, low-carbon growth, sc ience and technology and humanis m.
Over 60% of Lu Thai’s products are exported to over 60 countries and regions. Moreover, the Company has establis hed strategic
partnership with renowned brand owners at home and abroad.
3.Key FinancialInformation
(1) KeyFinancial InformationofthePastThree Years
Indicate by tick mark whether there is any retrospectively restated datum in the table below.
□ Yes No
Unit: RMB
Change of 31
31 December 2023 31 December 2022 December 2023 over 31 December 2021
31 December 2022 (%)
Total assets 13,430,286,222.94 13,351,097,602.03 0.59% 12,987,221,271.63
Equity attributable to the