StockCode:000530;200530 ShortFormof the Stock:Bingshan; Bingshan B;No: 2023-003
Bingshan Refrigeration & HeatTransfer Technologies Co., Ltd.
2022Annual ReportSummary
I. ImportantNotes
This summary is extracted from the original of the annual report. For more information, the
investors arerecommendedtoreferto the original.
Noteto the “Non-standardizedOpinion”
□Applicable √Inapplicable
Theprofit distribution proposal
√Applicable □Inapplicable
Transferthecapital reserveto increasecapital stock
□Applicable √Inapplicable
The profit distribution proposal reviewed and adopted at this Board meeting of the Company is:
based on the total share capital of the Company of 843,212,507 shares, pay to all shareholders the
cash dividend of 0.1 yuan (inclusive the tax) for every 10 shares .The Company will not transfer
the capital reserveto increasecapital stock.
§1 CompanyProfile
Shortform of thestock Bingshan; Bingshan B
Stockcode 000530;200530
Listed stockexchange ShenzhenStockExchange
Contact Secretaryofthe Boardof Directors Authorized representativein chargeof securities affairs
Name SongWenbao DuYu
Securities﹠LegalAffairs No.106,
Contactaddress Liaohe EastRoad,Dalian Securities﹠LegalAffairsNo.106,LiaoheEastRoad,
Economicand Technological Dalian Economicand TechnologicalDevelopmentZone
Telephone 0411-87968130 0411-87968822
Fax 0411-87968125 0411-87968125
§2 CompanyProfile
Brief introductionofmainbusinessorproductsduringreportingperiod
Focusing on the hot and cold industry, the Company is committed to the development of
industrial refrigeration and heating business, commercial refrigeration business, air
conditioning and environment business, engineering and service business and new business
fields, coveringthe key areas of the hot and cold industry chain and creatinga complete hot and
cold industry chain.
During the reportingperiod, theCompanywashonest,innovative and pragmatic.Enrich and
strengthenthe managementteam,adjustandoptimize the organizational structureandbusiness
processes.Multiple strategies weretakensimultaneously to effectively improveproduction
capacity andproductivity,and the monthlyoutput value reacheda newrecordhigh. Close to the
marketand leading the market,weindependently developedpetrochemicalstandardLNGBOG
compressorunits,ammoniaheat pumpunits, high standardprojectunits and otherhighlight
products.The"NationalHigh-end Equipment ManufacturingIndustryStandardizationPilot" was
successfully accepted.TheCompanywasselectedinto the list of Liaoning Intelligent Factoryin
2022.TheCompany'scascadeammoniascrewheatpumpunit was selectedas the "Innovative
Productof2022China Refrigeration Exhibition". Thescrewrefrigeration unit for large ocean
going fishing vessels of the Companywasselectedas the "specialized, refined andnew" product
of Liaoning Provincein 2022.
During the reporting period, Bingshan Engineering Company, a subsidiary of the Company,
continued to deepen its competitive market segments. In the field of product business, it actively
serves high-end customers, and has signed many projects with multinational industry giants such
as BASF in Germany and Albemarle in the United States, which has significantly improved the
influence of Bingshan brand in the industry; Join hands with leading enterprises to lead the
polysilicon market and win large orders. In the field of engineering, the Xinjiang Central Kitchen
Project, the Shanghai Star Indoor Comprehensive Ice and Snow VenueProject and other landmark
projects were orderly constructed, and key projects such as the Guangxi Fangcheng Port Fishery
Wharf Cold Storage Project, the Guangzhou Yuhu Cold Chain Market Trading Center
Refrigeration Project, and the Shanxi Yiming Phase II Meat Products (Precast Dishes) Processing
Project were successfully signed. In the field of energy industry, CCUS projects have been rapidly
promoted, and many demonstration projects of central enterprises have been successfully signed,
with a substantialyear-on-yearincreasein orders.
During the reporting period, the Company's subsidiary Wuhan New World Refrigeration further
optimized its products and solutions. Based on the existing traditional products, it focused on
expanding the market segments of energy, coal mines and LNG. The main model of energy
products has achieved good results in marketing, and the steam screw compressor unit has
achieved a breakthrough in sales of new products. The largest single unit installed power project
of ORC screw expansion generator set - Jiangsu Silbang Petrochemical Waste He