Annual Report 2021
Section I. Important Notice, Contents and Interpretation
Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, all directors, supervisors and senior executives of Changhong
Meiling Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby confirm that there are no any fictitious
statements, misleading statements, or important omissions carried in this report, and shall take all responsibilities,
individual and/or joint, for the reality, accuracy and completion of the whole contents.
Mr. Wu Dinggang, Chairman of the Company, Mr. Pang Haitao, person in charge of accounting work and Mr.
Yang Jun, person in charge of accounting organ (accountant in charge) hereby confirm that the Financial Report of
2021Annual Report is authentic, accurate and complete.
The Company did not have directors, supervisors and senior executives of the Company could not guarantee the
reality, accuracy and completion of the whole contents or have objections.
All the directors attended the board meeting to deliberating the Report by a combination of on-site and
Modified audit opinions notes
□Applicable √ Not applicable
Shine Wing Certified Public Accountants (LLP) issued standard unqualified Auditors’ Report for the Company’s
Financial Report of 2021.
Major defects in internal control
□Applicable √Not applicable
The Company had no major defects in internal control in the reporting period.
Risk warning of concerning the forward-looking statements with future planning involved in annual report
√Applicable □Not applicable
Concerning the forward-looking statements with future planning involved in the Report, they do not constitute a
substantial commitment for investors, investors and the person concerned should maintain adequate risk
awareness, furthermore, differences between the plans, forecast and commitments should be comprehended.
Investors are advised to exercise caution of investment risks.
Investors are advised to read the full text of annual report, and pay particular attention to the following risk factors:
More details about the possible risks and countermeasures in the operation of the Company are described in the
report “XI. Prospects for the future development of the company” of “Section III. Management Analysis and
Discussion”, investors are advised to read the relevant content.
Securities Times, China Securities Journal, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and Juchao Website (Juchao Website
(www.cninfo.com.cn)) are the media for information disclosure for year of 2022 that appointed by the Company.
All public information under the name of the Company disclosed on the above said media and website shall
prevail, and investors are advised to exercise caution.
Does the Company need to comply with disclosure requirements of the special industry: no
Profit distribution pre-plan or capitalizing of common reserves pre-plan deliberated by the Board in the reporting
√Applicable □ Not applicable
Whether to increase the share capital with public reserve
□Yes √No
The profit distribution plan for year of 2021, that deliberated and approved by 16th session of the 10th BOD was:
take the total shares (on the registration date when implement the equity distribution plan for year of 2021) as the
base, distributed 0.5 yuan (tax included) bonus in cash for every 10-share hold by all shareholders, no share bonus
issued and no capitalizing of common reserves carried out.
The implementation of repurchase of domestically listed foreign shares (B share) was completed on February 18,
2022.And the cancellation of the repurchased shares are completed on March 2, 2022. Total share capital of the
Company comes to 1,029,923,715 shares after cancellation, and reduction of registration capital and amendment
ofArticle ofAssociation still needs to be submitted for deliberation on Shareholders’General Meeting.
Directors, supervisors and senior executives of the Company respectively signed a Written Confirmation Opinions
for 2021 Annual Report.
Supervisory Committee of the Company formed Written Examination Opinions for 2021 Annual Report.
Documents Available for Reference
I.Financial statement carrying the signatures and seals of the Chairman, principal of the accounting works and
person in charge of accounting organ;
II. Original audit report carrying the seal of the CPA and signature & seal of the accountants;
III. Original documents of the Company and manuscripts of public notices that disclosed in the website designated
by CSRC in the report period;
The aforesaid documents are all available at headquarter of the Company. The