深圳南山热电股份有限公司 2022 年半年度报告摘要
Stock Code: 000037, 200037 No.: 2022-036
Short Form of Stock: Shen NanDian A, Shen Nan Dian B
Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.
Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2022
I. Important Notice
The summary is abstract from full-text of semi-annual report, for more details of operating results, financial condition and future
development plan of the Company; investors should found in the full-text of semi-annual report that published on media appointed
by CSRC.
All directors are attended the Board Meeting for the report deliberation.
Prompt of non-standard audit opinion
□Applicable √ Not applicable
Profit distribution pre-plan of common stock or capitalizing of common reserves pre-plan deliberated by the Board in the reporting
□Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company has no plans of cash dividend distributed, no bonus shares and has no share converted from capital reserve.
Profit distribution pre-plan of preferredstock deliberated and approved by the Board in the reporting period
□Applicable √ Not applicable
II. Company profile
Shen NanDian A,
Short form of the stock Stock code 000037, 200037
Shen NanDian B
Stock exchange for listing Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Person/Way to contact Secretaryof the Board Rep. of security affairs
Name Zou Yi
16/F-17/F, Hantang Building, OCT,
Office add. Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong
Tel. 0755-26003611
E-mail investor@nspower.com.cn
2.Main accountingdataandfinancialindexes
Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data or not
深圳南山热电股份有限公司 2022 年半年度报告摘要
□Yes √ No
Changes in the current
reporting period
Current period Same period last year compared with the
same period of the
previous year (+,-)
Operating revenue (RMB) 229,243,542.07 376,602,393.38 -39.13%
Netprofit attributable to shareholders of the listed
-94,098,149.09 1,456,269.68 -6,561.59%
company (RMB)
Netprofit attributable to shareholders of the listed
company afterdeducting non-recurring gains and -127,505,554.48 -19,517,615. 51 553.28%
losses (RMB)
Netcash flow arising from operating activities 200,588,083.30 68,920,712. 99 191.04%
Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share) -0.1561 0.0024 -6,604.17%
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share) -0.1561 0.0024 -6,604.17%
6.07 percentage points
Weighted average ROE -6.00% 0.07%
Changes at the end of
the reporting period
End of current period End of last year compared with the end
of the previous year
Total assets (RMB) 2,998,519,336.41 2,790,002,824.41 7.47%
Netassets attributable to shareholder of listed 1,521,194,986.42 1,615,293,135.51 -5.83%
company (RMB)
3.Numberofshares and shares held
Unit: share
Total number of preferred shareholders
Total number of ordinary shareholders at
47,808 whose voting righ