Stock Code: 603899 Short Name: M&G Stationery
Annual Report 2020
Going Forward with our Mission
Dear shareholders, partners and friends,
The year 2020 was an extraordinary year. Since the beginning of the year, the sudden
outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought tremendous impacts to various industries.
Due to such macroeconomic climate and the delay in school return date, many stationery
shops faced grave challenges to resume operation. Among such uncertainties, what M&G
can do is do "things with certainty". The Company acted quickly to fight against the
pandemic. Ontheonehand, weadoptedpandemic preventionandcontrol measures to protect
our employees, provided PPE for front-line workers and donated money and materials. On
the other hand, the Company took resolute steps to restart factories to resume production. In
the first half of the year, the Company recorded a decrease in results. With our strenuous
efforts, we achieved satisfactory performance in the second half. One of the most important
things we learned in 2020 is that if you truly aspire something , you can always work out a
way and if you persist enough, you can make the seemingly impossible come true.
In 2020, the Company recorded revenue of RMB13 billion, an increase of 17.9%, and net
profit of RMB1.2 billion, an increase of 18.4%. For the past years since going public, M&G
has maintained health growth and sound asset condition. The year 2020 was of great
significanceto M&G.Exploringwiththespiritofastartupcompany,M&G hasbeenfounded
for three decades, and it launched a new round of a five-year strategy plan.
The year 2021 is the beginning of China's 14th Five-Year Plan, and also the start of M&G's
new five-year strategy. M&G will adhere to the new development thinking of growth with
emphasis on quality and efficiency. Our new five-year strategy is formulated in line with the
direction of the previous strategy, and reflects China’s population trend and consumption
upgrade in the new era. The new strategy calls for product mix upgrade and on-line business
expansion, supported by digitalization, MBS, and merger and acquisition. The Company’s
mission is to "make study and work more joyful and effective", and the Company’s vision is
to become a "world-class M&G".
We believe that good stationery has vitality, as a good book and stationery is temperate and
can make a positive difference. In China, we see great potential in the stationery and creative
culture products industry. Every year, M&G launches thousands of new products based on
consumer insights. To deliver a better experience for consumers, we hope to include new
features in our products, incorporating functionality and a sense of beauty and humor.
According to the vision to become "world-class M&G" as set out in our new five-year
strategy, M&G devotes to providing better products for China and the world, aiming to
become a pioneer in global stationery industry when it comes to products and technology.
From stationery to creative culture products, M&G must have a more open mindset. M&G
Colipu is committed to making work more joyful and effective, and becoming a leader in
China’s office supplies 2B industry with about one trillion RMB market. While promoting
international business and carrying out Dual Circulation, we will break various bottlenecks
and strive for higher goals.
Dear shareholders and partners, we will go forward with our mission in mind! M&G is
inspired by grand national rejuvenation, yet we also take clue from ordinary people. We
believethebestwaytohelpussuccessfullyis byhelpingrelatedotherssuccessful,webelieve
that the success of individuals and companies depends on their “energy, will and spirit”. We
believe in long-termism, choosing to do harder but right things, and doing daily work with
excellence. "Thenewera belongs to thosewhostrive.Strivingleads to happinessandstriving
in itself is a happiness."
We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to our customers and partners, for your care
and support for the development of the Company. M&G is willing to work together with all
of you, remain trueto ouroriginal aspiration,andforgeaheadto promote asustainable,sound
and high-quality development, and create better value for all shareholders. Strive towards a
"world-class M&G". We look forward to working with you towards a bright future!
Chairman: Chen Huwen
26 March 2021
Important Notice
I. The Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, directors, supervisors and seniormanagement
of the Company warrant that the contents of this report are true, accurate and complete,
without any misrepresentation, misleading statements or material omissions, and severally and
jointly bear the legal responsibilities thereof.
II. All directors