Stock code:000045,200045 StockAbbreviation: Shen Textile A, Shen Textile B Announcement No. :2023-39
ShenzhenTextile (Holdings) Co.,Ltd.
TheThird QuarterlyReport2023
The membersof the Board and the Company acknowledge being responsible for the truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness
of the announcement. Not any false record, misleading statement or significant omissioncarried in this announcement
Important Notice
TheBoard of Directors ,Supervisory Committee, all directors, supervisors and senior executives of the
Company hereby guarantees that there are no misstatement, misleading representation or important omissions in
this report and shall assumejoint and several liability for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the
contents hereof.
2. Person in charge of the Company, head of accounting and person in charger of accounting organ (accounting
officer) hereby confirm that the financial information of this Quarterly Report is authentic, accurateand complete.
3. The third quarterly report audited or not
□Yes √No
I. Main financial data
(i) Main accounting data and financial indexes
Indicate by tick mark whether thereis any retrospectively restated datum in the table below.
□Yes √No
Increase/decrease in Increase/decrease
the p eriodcompared from y ear-begin
Current period withthe same Year-begin to toperiod-end
p eriod of the p eriod-end compared with the
previousyear same periodof the
p reviousyear
Operatingincome(RMB) 827,289,643.21 22.22% 2,317,385,312.76 9.21%
Net profit attributable tothe
shareholders of thelisted company 30,277,434.06 114.49% 66,584,597.03 17.75%
Net profit after deducting of non-
recurring gain/loss attributableto the 26,677,203.43 174.16% 54,364,530.04 21.62%
shareholders of listed company
Cash flow generated by business — — 64,740,508.96 -44.14%
Basic earning pershare(RMB/Share) 0.0598 114.34% 0.1315 17.83%
Diluted gains p er 0.0598 114.34% 0.1315 17.83%
Weighted average ROE(%) 1.05% 0.55% 2.32% 0.32%
End of this p eriod End of last period Changes of this p eriod-end over same
p eriod-end of last year(%)
Grossassets(RMB) 5,741,166,019.48 5,617,137,367.90 2.21%
Net assetsattributable tothe
shareholders of thelisted company 2,885,682,841.55 2,849,264,555.21 1.28%
(ii)Items and amount of non-current gains and losses Items and amount of non-current gains and losses
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Items Current amount Year-begin top eriod-end Note
Gains/losses from the disp osalof non-current
asset (including thewrite-off that accrued for 0.00 321.08
impairment of assets)
Governmental subsidy calculated into current
gains and losses(while closely related withthe
normal business of theCompany,the government 9,065,102.42 28,434,409.97 Mainly for thegovernment
subsidy that accord withthe provisionof national subsidies
policies and are continuously enjoy ed in line with
a certain standard quotaor quantity are excluded)
Othernon-op erat ing income and expenses other -2,077,510.48 -4,713,703.74 Mainly for quality
than theabove comp ensat ion
Less: imp act on income tax 1,042,626.12 3,546,815.78
Imp act on minority shareholders’equity (p ost-
tax) 2,344,735.19 7,954,144.54
Total 3,600,230.63 12,220,066.99 --
Details of other profit and loss items that meet the non-recurring profit and loss definition
□Applicable √ Not applicable
Thereare no other gains/losses items that meet the definition of non-recurring gains/losses i